Data Protection
The Data Protection Officer at St Barnabas CE Primary is Miss J Hodgkinson. She can be contacted by:
Email: [email protected]
Post: St Barnabas CE Primary School, Collin St, Warrington, WA5 1TG
Phone: 01925 633606
We take the privacy of your information very seriously.
Whether this be details from and about parents, their children, staff, visitors or others; we maintain strict levels of control and only collect / maintain information that is necessary for the effective running of the school and its associated services.
With effect from 25 May 2018, all organisations and companies, including schools must be compliant with the General Data Protection Requirements as set by the EU and subsequently the UK Government. Along with some other schools, we have commissioned work with a solictor company, Browne Jacobson, to ensure that we and the companies we seek, share and collect information with, are asking the right questions and providing appropriate assurance.